General terms and conditions Troch Goossens Advocaten

Part I – Required information to be provided to the client

Your lawyer and his office
Troch Goossens Lawyers is an alliance of lawyers under the form of a grouping.
The working attorneys, Mtr Jill Troch, Mtr Nathalie Goossens and Mtr Zenzi Vanderleenen, are lawyers in Belgium, and are registered at the Antwerp Bar.

The registered office of each attorney is located at 2018 Antwerp, Brusselstraat 51.

You entrust your case to one of the lawyers working at the firm Troch Goossens Advocaten:

Jill Troch under de BV Advocaat Jill Troch
KBO 1004.471.919
+32 493 92 64 79

Nathalie Goossens under de BV Advocaat N. Goossens
KBO 0761 478 506
+32 496 73 04 37

Zenzi Vanderleenen
KBO 0805 596 678
+32456 72 13 40

The lawyers’ professional liability is insured with Amlin Europe NV through the policy of the Antwerp Bar Association.

The lawyer’s liability is limited to the amounts guaranteed by the professional liability insurer.

Your lawyer and his services
You can contact the firm for the following services, among others: legal advice, assistance in court disputes, assistance in administrative proceedings. In performing these services, the firm may use either internal staff or outside consultants.

For information or complaints
If you wish to obtain further information or if you have a complaint you can reach the office:
by mail at the address: Brusselstraat 51 2018 Antwerp
via e-mail at the address:
or by phone at the number: +32493 92 64 79 or +32496 73 04 37.
When requested by clients, the firm provides information on the fee or its method of calculation.
Lawyers are subject only to the regulations of the OVB (Orde Vlaamse Balies) and of its Bar Association, which can be consulted at and

The lawyers are not part of multidisciplinary activities and/or multidisciplinary partnerships and thus no information about them can be provided to clients.

The agreement that you enter into with one of the lawyers is subject to Belgian law and for any disputes that may arise, only the court in Antwerp, Antwerp division has jurisdiction.

Part II – Additional to be provided – at the request of the client

What does your lawyer cost?

Our office charges a rate of 100 EUR incl VAT for an initial consultation of up to one hour not followed by start-up of a case.

Our office always applies an hourly rate, with registration of services. This hourly rate is agreed at the start of the case, taking into account the nature of the matter, required assistance, urgency, merit of the case, financial capacity of the client, etc. Every performance will be charged, such as drafting and sending mails, letters, meetings, conclusions, opinions, searches, waiting time and travel time, pleadings, processing incoming mails, telephone calls, etc.

A higher rate is possible, for example, for assistance in specialized and complex matters and for urgent cases. A lower rate may be discussed due to limited financial ability of the client.
An adjusted hourly rate will of course be discussed with you each time as well as if the fee would be based on a percentage of the deployment of the file.
The office may index the agreed rates according to the general evolution of the pivot index. This indexation will be announced through the website.

Administrative costs are in principle settled on a flat-rate basis at 20% + VAT on the fees charged. Travel expenses may be charged separately. Other arrangements can be made at the beginning of the case.

Court costs, for example, the costs to bailiffs, court experts and court fees will be charged to you as billed to us. Likewise, this applies to costs of translators or experts called upon.

An advance on fees is requested at the start of the case. Work will be started after payment of this advance. In the case of a fixed amount, it will be agreed at what time it is to be paid in part or in full. According to the evolution of the file, interim commissions are requested. At the conclusion of the case, the final statement is made and all (administrative) costs are also settled.

Any commission invoice and statement of expenses and fees must be paid in full within 15 days of dispatch, failing which the unpaid amount will be increased, ipso jure and without notice, by interest at 10% per annum and a fixed compensation of 10%. A flat fee of EUR 25.00 will be charged for each reminder. If a commission bill or a statement of expenses and fees is not paid despite request, work will be suspended after the client has been notified in writing. The lawyer shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the suspension of work.

Part III Privacy statement

In the course of providing services and activities, the lawyer collects and processes the identity and contact information of clients, their staff, associates, appointees and other useful contacts. The purposes for this processing are the performance of client agreements, client management and accounting.
As part of the duties assigned by the client, the lawyer also collects other personal data from the client, which may include sensitive information.
If necessary, your personal data may be passed on to other third parties in connection with services to be provided by these third parties in performance of the lawyer’s duties . Under no circumstances will your personal data be sold or made commercially available to direct marketing agencies or similar service providers, except with your prior consent.
Personal data will be kept and processed by the firm for a period necessary in function of the purposes of the processing and in function of the relationship (contractual or otherwise) that the firm has with you. These data will be kept for at least 5 years after a file is completed, except with respect to those personal data that we are required to keep longer based on specific legislation or in case of an ongoing dispute for which the personal data are still necessary.
In accordance and under the conditions of the Belgian privacy legislation and the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, we inform you that you have the following rights: Right to access and inspection, Right to rectification, Right to data erasure or limitation, Right to data portability, Right to object, Right to withdraw consent
If you believe that your rights would have been violated and no solution was provided by the law firm, you are free to file a complaint with the Privacy Protection Commission:
Privacy Commission
Press Street 35, 1000 Brussels
+32 (0)2 274 48 00
+32 (0)2 274 48 35